One of the ways the SAP Mentors give back to the community is by sharing their expertise via the public SAP Mentor Mondays.
The first Monday of every month is special, as it is our SAP Mentor Monday Monthly, where we look back to what happened in the last month and looking forward what is coming up that you should not miss.
For all US SCNers happy long weekend Labor Day. Because of that holiday we have moved this month's webinar to Tuesday the 4th of September 1pm PST.
Current Agenda:
- We are a couple of months on the new SCN platform. Time to exchange some tipps and tricks on how to get the most out of it. You will learn for example the easy way how to add a person like Jarret Pazahanick into your content. The cool thing is, the system pings the SCN user you added.
- Check out SCN area of the SAP Idea Place and see what are the most requested features that SCN should tackle next.
- Tammy Powlas will tell us about the SAP Mentor Quarterly as well as ASUG sessions at SAP TechEd Las Vegas.
- The SAP Mentor Introduction deck on SlideShare has been updated
- Your questions
We are proud that our webinars are highly interactive, so the above is just a guide for where the mood and your questions take us.
Engage with you next Tuesday 1pm PST
Where: SAP Connect Session:
Participant Passcode: 3032344038
Blackberry +1-866-312-7353+3032344038
iPhone +1-866-312-7353,,3032344038
More dial in numbers to come soon.
Twitter handle is: #sapmm